For a rotten fucking year, there was some great fucking music.
1. Portal "Swarth
2. Beherit "Engram"
3. Deathspell Omega "Chaining the Katechon"
4. Absu "Absu"
5. Marduk "Wormwood"
6. Urfaust "Einsiedler"
7. Iron Age "The Sleeping Eye"
8. Decrepit Birth "Diminishing Between Worlds"
9. Shrinebuilder "Shrinebuilder"
10. Fuenral Mist "Maranatha"
11. Drudkh "Microcosmos"
12. Shining "VI: Klagopsalmer"
13. The Devil's Blood "The Time of No Time Evermore"
14. Krallice "Dimensional Bleedthrough"
15. Ahab "The Divinity of Oceans"
not necessarily "new"
Type O Negative "Slow Deep and Hard" remaster
Disembodied "Psalms of Sheol" compilation
Isis "Live 5: Oceanic" London 7/23/06
Slayer "Haunting the Chapel" rough mixes and live @ 1st Ave Minneapolis 11.16.86